Sunday, February 12, 2012


jadual waktu mengajar bertukar. mostly ajar pengurusan tingkah laku. screw me!

ok boleh main fruit frenzy untuk hilangkan stress.ini bukan alasan.

so yeah. till esok sebelum semua jadi hectic.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

azam februari

full of pain, sad and sorrow? no! mesti kuat untuk tangani period pain ni. make all the pain and sadness vanish in one go. poof!! easy-peasy.

come salwa. lets down to work! yearghh!

i'll make sure i have a wonderful reward later. ah. those shoes. already got it. benci.

buat kerja!

white.lace.tale wedding


sky are crying..

lifetime heroin of the year

carlo rino

they will call me the girl with the yummy orange carlo rino handbag! -_-

(idea: rebecca bloomwood's line)

Saturday, February 4, 2012



ikhlaskan hati ini. insyaAllah.

Feb. checklist.

solat di awal waktu.

cupcakes failed. need more bakery practice.

hectic tentang folio.

gila nak habiskan novel.

driving practice.

konvo thing.


rindu kawan-kawan.

tutor wafi.

Shopaholic Craze

pastel love